Real estate agents are constantly looking for new ways to expand their customer acquisition and sales channels. Crossworx offers the solution: a multi-level referral network that enables real estate agents to gain new clients and projects through active referrals from clients and partners. The network can be used as a white label under your own name.

Crossworx's referral program is easy to use and automates the referral process. Customers and partners of the real estate agent can actively contribute to gaining new customers and projects and are rewarded with several levels of earnings. The multi-level referral network allows real estate agents to expand their reach and generate new exclusive contacts.

The white label referral network is operated under the name of the real estate agent and can be set up within 24 hours of registration. For the registration of team partners, the real estate agent can set up their own landing page, which the real estate agent can integrate into their eco-system themselves. Alternatively, the setup and administration can be handled by Crossworx.

By using Crossworx's whitelabel referral network, the real estate agent can open up another sales channel without incurring additional costs during the acquisition phase. The "no revenue, no cost" principle is guaranteed. In addition, real estate agents can strengthen customer and employee loyalty and reinforce their image as a trustworthy real estate provider.

Crossworx's whitelabel referral network offers real estate agents an innovative solution to expand their business strategy and sustainably strengthen their business.

For more information, simply use our appointment service and book an appointment online now!