As a hairdresser, you have more to offer than just a stylish haircut. Did you know that you can also be an excellent networker? By building and maintaining your network, you can grow your business and attract new clients. In this blog article, we'll show you how you can use your network as a hairdresser and the benefits it brings.

The Meta Social Selling Network (MSSN) as a tool

An effective way to build your network is through a multi-level Meta Social Selling Network (MSSN). An MSSN is a social network that allows hairdressers to sell products and services while inviting their customers into the network to give them the same opportunity.

The MSSN not only offers the opportunity to generate passive income, but also to build a sustainable network that helps through difficult times and can complement the actual business very well.

Another advantage of the MSSN is that hairdressers can build their own branding by sharing product information and recommendations and at the same time give their customers the opportunity to earn money themselves. In this way, hairdressers can expand their network and grow their business.

How hairdressers can build and maintain their network

Networking as a hairdresser can mean networking with other hairdressers in your area, but also with other industries that are relevant to your clients, such as make-up artists, photographers or wedding planners. Through collaboration and referrals, you can build a strong network that will help you attract new clients.

Another way to expand your network is through social media. Use platforms like Instagram and Facebook to showcase your work and attract customers. By sharing images and stories, you can engage your audience and build your network.

Building a network requires commitment, but the benefits are undeniable. Networking as a hairdresser allows you to grow your business, attract new clients and secure long-term income streams.


Hairdressers have more to offer than just a stylish haircut. By networking, they can expand their business and gain new customers. The Meta Social Selling Network offers an effective way to build a sustainable network and generate passive income. By collaborating with other hairdressers and industries, hairdressers can expand their network and secure long-term income streams. Building a network requires commitment, but the benefits are undeniable.